Tag: vegetables

Sun-Dried Tomato Spread

Sun-Dried Tomato Spread

Sun-Dried Tomato Spread is a classic Italian treat and can be used on a piece of bruschetta or toasted bread, as a condiment for a sandwich with prosciutto cotto and provola, and even spooned into a sauce for added flavor.  Our version is made with, among other ingredients, homemade olive oil cured sun dried tomatoes, parsley, and red pepper flakes. Sun-Dried Tomato […]

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Italian Vegetarian Recipes and the Culture of Vegetables in Southern Italy (Verdure)

Italian Vegetarian Recipes and the Culture of Vegetables in Southern Italy (Verdure)

Italian Vegetarian Recipes and the Culture of Vegetables in Southern Italy (Verdure) The Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras spent time in deep thought on the Ionian coast in Calabria, specifically in Crotone, and outside of his ideas in math and science he was known to have espoused the Pythagorean diet or what later become known as vegetarianism.   The Pythagorean diet excluded meat, fish, […]

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Baked Artichoke Hearts

Baked Artichoke Hearts

Baked Artichoke Hearts Many people love artichokes but are turned off by the intense preparation associated with the fresh variety.  If you fall into this camp, then don’t despair you can have your artichokes (and eat them too!) though in a frozen or canned variety.  Pre-processed artichokes are a great convenience food and the wonderful canned or frozen artichoke hearts […]

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Stuffed Artichokes

Stuffed Artichokes

Stuffed Artichokes The Artichoke capital of the world is Italy and not simply because Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus (fancy Latin speak for artichoke) is consumed throughout the peninsula but because Italy produces about 487,000 metric tons of the vegetable every year (outpacing Spain, the second largest producer, by about 200,000 metric tons).   Here in the United States, artichokes (primarily grown in California) […]

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