Category: cookie

Almond and Dark Chocolate Biscotti

Almond and Dark Chocolate Biscotti

In my view, biscotti (plural for cookie) were created as a vehicle to enjoy coffee.  For example, my daily routing includes making a cup of coffee in the morning accompanied by a single biscotto (the hard cookie satisfies my initial hunger in the morning and provides a buffer against drinking coffee on an empty stomach).    So, while biscotti are […]

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Rainbow Cookies

Rainbow Cookies

In my parent’s region of Italy (Calabria) almond paste cookies are abundant, but rainbow cookies aren’t found in southern Italy (and to the best of my knowledge the rest of Italy is also devoid of this moist and luscious cookie).  Rainbow cookies are an Italian American invention and most likely created to honor the color of the Italian flag.  However, […]

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Monacini cookies are a staple of Italian Pasticceria.  The light and delicious Monacini are dolcetti composed of two soft round cookies filled with apricot jam and dunked on one side in dark chocolate.  We especially the cookies in the morning with a good cup of coffee or as an afternoon snack. We also think that they would make an excellent cookie to include […]

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