Category: food

In Defense of Making Your Own Food or Julia Child Was Right

In Defense of Making Your Own Food or Julia Child Was Right

How is it that we are so eager to watch other people browning beef cubes on screen but so much less eager to brown them ourselves? For the rise of Julia Child as a figure of cultural consequence — along with Alice Waters and Mario Batali and Martha Stewart and Emeril Lagasse and whoever is crowned the next Food Network […]

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Recipe: Homemade Sun Dried Tomatoes in Olive Oil

Recipe: Homemade Sun Dried Tomatoes in Olive Oil

Recipe: Homemade Sun Dried Tomatoes in Olive Oil One of my favorite, all purpose, condiments on this little planet is sun dried tomatoes preserved in olive oil.  Authentic sun dried tomatoes capture the essence of the tomato and can be enjoyed year round.  There is a difference between tomatoes that have been truly dried in the sun and dehydrated tomatoes (click here to […]

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Recipe: Wild Cod Risotto, Summer Days, and Esino Bianco

Recipe: Wild Cod Risotto, Summer Days, and Esino Bianco

There’s something about eating good food outdoors that makes me feel utterly alive and happy.  It may be the fresh air cooling my shoeless feet or the sound of pouring cool Esino Bianco into a wine glass (have questions about wine, click here).  Ultimately, however, it’s the wonderful homemade food that makes outdoor dining so enjoyable.   We have a […]

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Coffee on the Go: HandPresso Wild ESE

Coffee on the Go: HandPresso Wild ESE

I wasn’t always a coffee drinker, in fact, I made my way through my senior thesis at the University on granola bars and orange juice alone (I must have been crazy not to consume caffeine).  However, once I graduated and began the 9-5 routine I needed a pick me up to get me going in the morning and sustain me […]

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What To Always Keep in Your Kitchen: Top Ingredients for Great Food

What To Always Keep in Your Kitchen: Top Ingredients for Great Food

I’m kicking myself for missing a great food article by Mark Bittman published back in January.  The article, “Fresh Start for a New Year?  Let’s Begin in the Kitchen”, is a one stop source for what every aspiring cook needs to have in his/her pantry and fridge to cook well and, more importantly, quickly! Let’s get right down to the […]

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Cool Products: Handheld Espresso Machine (no cord!) by MyPressi Twist

Cool Products: Handheld Espresso Machine (no cord!) by MyPressi Twist

MyPressi Twist is taking pre-orders for a unique, hand-held, espresso machine that promises an outstanding cup without the need to plug in a bulky machine.  The Twist uses pneumatic pressure, via re-chargeable Co2 cartridges, throughout the extraction cycle.  The CEO of MyPressi promises that his little caffeine stick provides tons of crema and real espresso goodness all for under $129.00.  […]

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As a young kid, I used to marvel at how sophisticated our Genoa-born neighbor Amelia used to appear as she sipped her pre-dinner drink on the back porch.  Amelia would often put together a bitter aperitif (usually red vermouth and Campari), along with a few toasted pieces of bread and Italian cheese, and sit elegantly waiting for her pasta water […]

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Recipe: Pork Scaloppini with Butter and Lemon

Recipe: Pork Scaloppini with Butter and Lemon

Given the recent news coverage surrounding the swine flu outbreak I thought a tasty pork recipe would be in order!  Now don’t get me wrong any flu that gets the World Health Organization’s level 4 pandemic alert should be taken seriously (wash your hands and run away from folks who cough incessantly), but I’m hoping folks do not stay away […]

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What Type of Cook Are You and Who Is the Nutritional Gatekeeper in Your Home?

What Type of Cook Are You and Who Is the Nutritional Gatekeeper in Your Home?

According to Food and Wine magazine home cooking is the number one food trend for 2009!  And the news is no surprise as more and more people elect to not eat out and cook meals from scratch.  This is great new, right?  Well, according to a recent New York Times article by Tara Parker Pope it really depends who is […]

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Recipe: Lentil Soup

Recipe: Lentil Soup

We love soup at and we’re not very picky when it comes to the variety. However, we do have a couple of pet peeves about soup preparation: Soup must be homemade (we’re vehemently opposed to canned soup). Homemade soup must start with water and not pre-packaged chicken, beef, or vegetable stock (there are some exceptions), but we generally like to […]

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